A Shibari Apprentice

A Shibari Apprentice

I hate my job. I work as a maid in this big luxury hotel—and let me tell you something: it is nothing like in the movies. Instead of handsome, charming millionaires, I’ve found annoying customers who never say “please” or “thank you.” I never imagined I would become a Shibari apprentice.

One night, a particularly obnoxious client, some big shot businessman, suddenly left his room and took a cab to the airport. It seems that there was some sort of financial emergency in one of his companies. Who cares?

The point is that I was sent to clean his room. He had barely used it as something more than a bedroom, so I finished quickly. Then, at the top of the wardrobe, I found a big bag. You know, like the ones they use to put gym stuff and such. Inside the bag there were a lot of ropes, some weird tools, and a high-tech camera. I was about to go downstairs to the reception desk to turn in all that stuff when my supervisor called me through the radio. The businessman had just died when his private jet crashed barely after takeoff!

My first thought was to sell all those things. So I took everything home, making sure nobody saw me leave the hotel with the bag. Once at home I realized there were some books in the bag. All of them were about something called “Shibari.” I started reading…

… And I couldn’t stop all night. By the time I lifted up my eyes from the pages it was dusk! That thing was fascinating and I couldn’t wait to try it. After all, I already had all the necessary equipment.

It’s been a year since that night. I still have my crappy job, but let me tell you something: Shibari is the hottest, funniest thing you could ever imagine. Trust me: I know! And that’s how I became a Shibari apprentice.

This is my Shibari story.

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