Shibari Is Interesting

Shibari Is Interesting

My name is David and I’m a gameholic. I admit it, I have a problem, an addiction, actually. I’ve tried to get rid of it, I’ve really tried, but it is stronger than me. It almost cost me my marriage, but thanks to Shibari it is not a problem anymore. And that is because Shibari is interesting.

You see, my wife and I have full-time jobs, so we barely see each other during the weekdays. To be honest, we only have the weekend for ourselves. We spend most of the Saturdays dreaming and resting, and it is only on Sundays when we actually do something together.

Now, I like video games. I’ve been a gamer since I was a teenager. At first, I thought it would be over once I got married, but it wasn’t. I just couldn’t quit playing video games. From day one, Angela, my wife, has resented my spending time playing. We’ve had arguments by the dozen, not to mention all the nights that we have gone to sleep without talking to each other.

I really tried to quit playing, but nothing seemed to work. Then, we spent a Sunday in a Shibari workshop. We both found it aesthetic, interesting, and very sexy. So, we decided to try it at home. However, as any practitioner will tell you, Shibari takes time. And when I felt the itch of throwing away all the ropes and leaving my wife tied to put myself in front of the console and spend hours playing, I got into a really ugly mood. Once, when I hurt Angela for not paying enough attention to the knots, we had the worst argument we’d ever had since we got married.

It had to stop, and Angela came up with the greatest idea to put an end to it. She began playing against me. At first, it was nice, but no more than that. Then, she had another great idea: betting all aspects of our Shibari scene to the game.

Now, one thing is making a million points that, in reality, account to nothing, and another very different thing is knowing that if you reach 20,000 points your wife is gonna let you tie her in the nude. Our games together became more interesting and entertaining than anything I had played alone. And our Shibari scenes exude creativity, fun, and sensuality. Shibari is interesting, definitely.

This is our Shibari story.

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