Shibari concerns

Shibari concerns

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Shibari, as well as any other activity, has its risks. And although it has plenty of benefits, it is very important to know the most common Shibari concerns. In Shibari, rope bottoms may be at more risk. However, riggers are also susceptible to injury. So, in the end, it is the responsibility of both.
The most common rope-related concerns go in this order: Rope Marks, Rope Burn, Bruising, Muscle, Joint, Ligament stress, or Tendon Damage, and Fainting and Positional Asphyxia.

Rope marks are not a serious injury, but you should know that rope marks can last from an hour to a couple of days, and if Petechiae occurs from the rope pinching th skin, the marks can last over a week. Rope Burn is the second concern in Shibari. If the rope is moved too quickly over the skin, the rope will burn the skin. Actually, severe rope burn can even break the skin. In order to prevent these, it is important to pull the rope slowly when it is against the skin. Likewise try not to place the rope in knees or elbows. Rope burn can occur to rope bottoms and riggers as well.

The rope can also produce bruising. This is because of the weight and pressure of the rope towards the skin. Although is not as common as rope marks or rope burn, they can occur and they might be a little painful. Muscle, Joint, Ligament stress, and Tendon Damage occur frequently while practising Shibari. Since the body is moved in atypical ways and positions during a Shibari scene, some injuries can occur. Some of the injuries might not appear right away, but they can result in pain later. To avoid this type of injuries it is better if you make slow and controlled movements of the body and the rope.

Fainting and Positional Asphyxia is the most common concern that you can encounter. Remaining in one position for a too long time, Sudden movements after being motionless for a long period of time, Restricted breathing, Restricted Blood flow, Dehidratiation or Extreme heat are the most common causes of fainting during a Shibari scene.
It is very important to be aware of this Shibari concerns before a scene.

Image: Reddit

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