Common Mistakes in Shibari

Common Mistakes in Shibari

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Mistakes are very common where you are new at something. Mistakes usually lead you to learn some lessons that can help you improve. They can create positive and successful changes that will make you better. When you are beginning in Shibari, it is very common to make some mistakes.
I will let you know some common mistakes in Shibari.

A common mistake is that people think that Shibari needs to look pretty from the first time. When you are first learning Shibari, and you are searching for videos and pictures, you will find beautiful ties and intricately crafted bounds that show the perfection of the body. All these images and pictures show that Shibari is something beautiful and perfect. And in some way it is, but it all depends on the expertise that you have. No one starts being an expert and doing the perfect tie and showing perfect aesthetics, so don’t worry, you will get to that point with practice and with the study.

Another mistake people always make is to expect people to react in a particular way. Everyone has different choices, and not everyone likes what you usually watch on Shibari videos or pictures. Not everyone is looking for the same thing in Shibari, and not everyone shares the same interests and experiences.  There is no rule on how to practice Shibari. If you are practising Shibari with different partners, you might find you in a situation where every partner wants something different, and the journey with each partner will develop fiercely from one another.

One of the most common mistakes in Shibari is Irregular practice. Practice like in every activity is what makes you better. In Shibari practice is what leads you to not make mistakes, Shibari is more complex and involves more things that just remembering patters. In order to improve and maintain your skill, it is recommended to practice Shibari once a week.

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