Wrists in Shibari

Wrists in Shibari

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Practising Shibari has its risks, and there are some vulnerable areas that you need to be aware of.  Wrists are some of the vulnerable areas while practicing Shibari, particularly the inside part of the wrist and the valley between the hand and the wrist bone. This is because the nerves and the veins are more exposed in that area.

The most important thing about Shibari is the safety of the bottom. It is very important that the bottom tells if something is not feeling alright. And the rigger must act immediately in order to prevent injury. If you are an experienced rigger, you will know the vulnerable areas and will protect them. However, if you are an unexperienced rigger, it is very important to recognize the vulnerable areas and take precautions.  

Some recommendations when your bondage scene includes wrists is to tie both wrists always facing to each other. Likewise, tie the rope around the outside of the wrist. This is to protect the vulnerable area on the inside of the wrist. Another recommendation is that rope should not be tied with a knot that may tighten around the wrists. It is important to have space between the rope and the wrists so they can move and “swap” the hands over if it is necessary for comfort during the scene.

Another recommendation is to place the rope around the wrist further away from the hand and away from the vulnerable groove in the wrist. This way, it will be less likely to cause any nerve problems. If the rope is closer to the hand, and over the wrist joint and in the groove of the wrist, the radial and ulnar nerves will be vulnerable. It is a very risky rope placement and the most common causes of a loss sensation in the finger.

Remember to take the safety measures needed in order to enjoy a Shibari experience.

Image: Shibari Academy

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