Paying to Be Tied

There is a certain taboo when it comes to paying for certain services, especially if those services are not conventional. In the case of Shibari, some people might think of paying to be tied as some sort of prostitution. However, this is not true. As with more conventional services, such as hairdressing or massages, paying to a rigger for their services is something completely normal. Because it is.
Many people want to experience bondage. However, they don’t have the time to take a workshop and learn. Other people might not have a partner who shares their love for ropes. In both cases, paying to a rigger to tie you up is something that can solve the problem.
If you do some research, you’ll find that many professional riggers offer their services. And most of them are serious professionals, who are willing to do their job properly. There’s no difference between paying your dentist to take care of a cavity and paying a rigger to do a Shibari scene. In both cases, you’re dealing with professionals.
Some people assume that Shibari is always sexual. Therefore, they think that you cannot pay a stranger to do a scene. And that, if you do, you’re paying for a form of prostitution. However, this is far to be true. There is non-sexual Shibari. And no professional will try to turn a scene into a sexual situation, especially if the bottom is a customer, and not a known partner.
Paying to be tied offers many advantages. First of all, you don’t have to buy any of the equipment that the scene requires. Secondly, you put yourself in the hands of someone you can trust. Moreover, you can do the scene in a studio, far from your family and your friends from work. No one needs to know you’re kink, unless you want them to. Finally, you can use a professional studio, instead of investing in your own equipment.