Category: Getting Started

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How to Lose your Rope Virginity

First of all, a necessary disclaimer: please read this article about how to lose your rope virginity in a tongue-in-cheek mood. In other words, don’t take it too seriously. Your first experience with bondage can be as intense and amazing as your first experience with sexual intercourse. However, in the end, it is an individual…
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Controlling a Scene

Controlling a scene is easy, right? You just have to be as hot as you can, and enjoy the intense emotional exchange between you and your partner, and that’s it. Wrong! Controlling a bondage scene is something serious that demands several capabilities from all participants involved. First of all, you have to distinguish the personal…
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Curiosity about Bondage

Any person over 40 will tell you that, in the good old days, searching for information was a lot harder than it is today. And it’s true. In the pre-internet era, finding reliable information about a specific subject was no easy task. Taking that into consideration, you can imagine how hard it was for the…
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You Must Learn Shibari

Some things we know by intuition. For example, some people are good at driving from the first time on. Likewise, others, men and women, have always been good kissers. Unfortunately, Shibari is not one of those things. Learning the art of Japanese bondage takes time and effort. In other words, you can’t just do Shibari;…
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Don’t Try This at Home

Have you ever heard the warning “Don’t try this at home”? It’s a good piece of advice. Especially, if we’re talking about Shibari. And that’s because bondage is a risky practice. Any rope enthusiast knows that. Shibari involves risks. And, if you’re not ready to face them, you should let someone else do the job.…
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Talking During a Shibari Scene

Communication is essential for the success of a Shibari scene. Actually, there’s a lot of talking during a Shibari scene. However, it’s not—or it shouldn’t be—the kind of chitchat that you can allow at a party or another social occasion. Communication during Shibari is strongly purpose-driven. After all, it is the best channel for the…
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Suspension at Home

Trying suspension at home sounds like a tempting idea for many couples. This comes as no surprise, since suspension is the most popular kind of Shibari scene. It can be a great experience for couples with a taste for bondage. However, it is important to follow some basic recommendations. First of all, you need a…
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Top-Bottom Coordination

Whenever you’re working with someone else, you’re coordinating yourself with that person. Coordination might sound like just another way to say “working together”, but it goes way beyond that. The Oxford Dictionary defines coordination as “the organization of the different elements of a complex activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.” As…
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How to Say No

In a negotiation, each of the parts has the right to agree and disagree with the ideas of the other part. In other words, negotiating doesn’t mean that you always have to say “yes”, just because the other party asked you to agree to something. You have the right to say no. And it is…
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The 4 Keys of Shibari

Shibari might be intimidating for beginners. After all, the knots seem complicated, and scenes can last for hours. However, it is not rocket science, in the end. So, in this article, we offer you the 4 keys of Shibari. We hope you find them useful. First key: Imagination. Shibari is not just about ropes and…
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