Category: Uncategorized

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Submit to the Hereafter

“Submission” must be the most misunderstood word in the whole BDSM vocabulary. People think that submit and surrender are synonyms. But that’s not the case. At least, not from where I’m standing. For me, submission is the most authentic way of embracing your existence, with all its ups and downs. That’s why, when I heard…
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Worst Bondage Experience

A Shibari scene is usually a great experience. However, just like in everything else, things might go wrong occasionally. It is important to know the kinds of difficulties that you might face, so that you’re better prepared to deal with them. We asked some bondage enthusiasts about their worst bondage experience. Here’s what they said:…
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sWitch Play

Make magic and practice rope with us! In sWitch Play, we will have an opening circle/introduction, tarot, and rejuvenating rope demos for self tying/and partner tying. On this occasion, we will create some sweet vibes, exploration, and connection. Rituals and rope demos led by Gisella Thorn and submissivetiger. All skill levels and identities welcome! However,…
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Shibari against Anxiety

First, a disclaimer: severe anxiety issues require professional help. There are several tests you can take online to evaluate just how strong your anxiety issues are. If you score high, wait no longer and seek professional help. There are many professionals who can help you. In this article, we discuss the use of Shibari against…
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Look Ma, No Hands!

I play the piano in a symphony orchestra. I would tell you the name, but it would get me into trouble, so we better keep it a secret. It’s a great job! I spend the weekdays with a group of very talented people and, on the Sunday concert, I show the best of myself to…
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The Little Mermaid

It’s been years since we got married. And, like any other couple, boredom awaits around every corner. That shouldn’t surprise anyone, if you ask me. All couples, even those who came together by magic and fantasy, become bored of each other. That doesn’t mean I don’t love her. I’m sure I do. Every time I…
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Shibari and Fun

Shibari and fun might not sound like a good combination, at first. Shibari requires concentration and a strong commitment to safety. So, it seems like there’s no room for fun in such an activity. However, any experience improves with a touch of humor. And Shibari is no exception. For example, when you’re planning a scene,…
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