Shibari against Anxiety

First, a disclaimer: severe anxiety issues require professional help. There are several tests you can take online to evaluate just how strong your anxiety issues are. If you score high, wait no longer and seek professional help. There are many professionals who can help you. In this article, we discuss the use of Shibari against anxiety, but this is in no way medical advice.
Now, since the pandemic began, many people have experienced anxiety issues. And the stressful lives most of us lead don’t help solve the problem. Anxiety affects you because it’s tiring and affects your concentration.
As for bondage, even though it is mostly known as an erotic practice and a living art, it also has relaxing effects that you can use to deal with anxiety more effectively. For example, Shibari takes time. In a world obsessed with speed and productivity, Shibari is a great tool to remind you that you don’t have to hurry all the time, and that it’s okay to do nothing. Productivity and speed are two of the heaviest burdens that society puts on our shoulders, and putting them away through the art of ropes is a good way to rest from them.
Another way in which you can use Shibari against anxiety is by developing the breathing technique necessary to practice it. Individuals practicing Shibari learn to breathe slowly and uniformly. When you breathe that way, muscles relax, and a greater amount of oxygen reaches your cells. This produces a relaxing effect and a sensation of wellbeing, which is the opposite of anxiety.
Finally, Shibari helps you deal with your emotions in an assertive, empathetic way. This is especially the case when couples practice bondage together. Remember, Shibari is always more than just knots and ropes.
In conclusion, taking time, developing a slow and uniform breathing technique, and cultivating positive emotions are three ways in which Shibari can help you deal with anxiety issues. Now you know how to use Shibari against anxiety.