
shibari academy

Interview with Eve from Shibari Academy

“No posing, pain, costumes, leather, suffering, subs, bottoms, tops or riggers. Just people looking to learn about themselves, and build better relationships and trust with other people. Shibari is for everyone.” Shibari Academy is the leading online Shibari school with over 100,000 students, 5 courses and over 140+  video tutorials that will guide you from…
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Burglar Fantasy

A classic never gets old. It is always fun and exciting. It happens with movies, with books, and with bondage scenes. I’m young, barely 25. And I don’t care to admit that my favorite bondage game is the burglar fantasy. Yes, I know that, probably, my mother played that same bedroom game with my father.…
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Most Expensive Shibari Scene

Have you ever thought about what the most expensive Shibari scene would look like? Well, ask yourself no more. American millionaire Frank Gavalas has teamed up with Japanese artist Hikari to prepare the highest-budget Shibari scene ever done. Frank Gavalas was born to Greek parents in San Francisco. From his own account, he discovered Shibari…
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A Bored Wife

“Things happen when they are meant to happen, and if they’re not meant to happen, then they don’t happen.” That’s what my old man used to say. And I think it’s true. So, in a way, what happened between Molly and me is not my fault. On the other hand, however, I feel bad because…
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Victorian Shibari

My name is Willebald Smythee. I do historical research for a museum in Birmingham. I’m an expert on the Victorian period. That’s why, when I found this story about Victorian Shibari, I knew I had to share it with other bondage enthusiasts. Archibald Wallace was commodore of the South Fleet from 1888 to 1889. As…
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Sleeping Beauty

And now, twenty years later, I find the pictures on the Internet. I can barely recognize myself. I have changed a lot in these years, for better and for worse. As seen from the distance, I think it turned out acceptably well for me. It’s not an unspeakable trauma, or something like that. In the…
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I Saw the Friction Marks

We were in the middle of the biology class when it happened. Mrs. Garland, our teacher, arranged her skirt while she was sitting on her desk, following an exposition. The movement lasted less than a second, but, since I’m in the first row of chairs in the classroom, I saw the friction marks on her…
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Consent Is Mandatory

You can be vanilla, or you can be kinky; that depends on you. However, you should try never to be a jerk. And in the world of kink, this means that you should never, and I mean never, skip consent. Consent is mandatory. Every good BDSM practitioner knows that. And there’s no excuse that justifies…
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You probably saw the viral clip about the woman who thought she had a BBC on her mouth while she was under the effect of some anesthetics. This kind of substance works as a depressant for the nervous system. In other words, they lower our levels of inhibition and repression. And that’s exactly what happened…
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They say the only time you get to really know people is when you’re in trouble. And I think it’s true, at least for me. I always thought of July as the greatest woman I’d ever met, until she left me broken-hearted in the middle of an emergency. I met July after my divorce. Up…
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Didn’t Include Ropes

My best experience with ropes… didn’t include ropes. I know it sounds like it doesn’t make sense. But let me tell you the story, and you will understand why I say it that way. Sam and I have been friends for ages! And that’s amazing, considering how different our personalities are. You see, he’s all…
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