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Tied Up in Her Dreams

The first time I had that dream, I didn’t pay any attention to it afterwards. However, after dreaming the same thing two weeks in a row, I decided I had to do something about it. But it wasn’t so easy. After all, when a vanilla woman is suddenly tied up in her dreams, the road…
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Submit to the Hereafter

“Submission” must be the most misunderstood word in the whole BDSM vocabulary. People think that submit and surrender are synonyms. But that’s not the case. At least, not from where I’m standing. For me, submission is the most authentic way of embracing your existence, with all its ups and downs. That’s why, when I heard…
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A Last Tie Before Goodbye

Some couples go to bed one last time before they break up; others have a last date. As for me, I think a last tie before goodbye is the best way to part ways. Let me explain why. I met Celine six years ago, at a BDSM event. Now, vanilla people believe all kinky people…
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I’m Your Boogie Man

Ah, the 70s. Say what you want, but they were one of the best decades. Many people praise the 60s, but those were actually years of anger and defeated idealism. On the other hand, the 70s were all about glamour and pleasure—yes, hedonistic, careless pleasure. And when disco music came into the picture, it was…
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An Unexpected High School Festival

They’re going to pay for this, I swear! I can’t believe how I didn’t see it coming. “We’re preparing an unexpected high school festival,” they said. “It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before,” they said. And they were right! But not in the way that I expected. Not in the way it is supposed to…
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Pre inauguration Bondage Fun

Allanah swinging above the landscape of the city is an image I will never forget. We did a suspension scene, 900 feet above the ground, in one of my buildings that is still under construction. We did at night, and it was wonderful to see Allanah, all tied up, against the background of the city…
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Super Tuesday Shibari

The most popular social media platforms fell offline one after the other on this year’s Super Tuesday. For many, it was a boring morning, where they experienced the symptoms of abstinence from the most common addiction of our time—social media. For me, it was the opportunity to discover Super Tuesday Shibari. Let me tell you…
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A Different Kind of Camping

I love camping. It’s definitely my kind of thing. I love seeing the landscapes during the day, and hearing all the mysterious sounds at night. Above all, I like to spend days away from routine with the same four friends who are so close to me, that they are now part of my life. Sally,…
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The Call of Nature

Nature calls me. It calls all of us, actually. But we’re too busy to pay attention and listen to it. We have a bond with nature, even though we constantly break it. As for me, I never reject the call of nature when I hear it. On the contrary, if nature calls me, I go…
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Shibari and Polyamory

Why not? It sounded like a great idea. I mean, I have always thought that monogamy is something society has forced upon us. And if we still comply with it, it is mostly because the law forces us to do it. I’d bet my right hand that, if people were free to choose, eight out…
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