
They say the only time you get to really know people is when you’re in trouble. And I think it’s true, at least for me. I always thought of July as the greatest woman I’d ever met, until she left me broken-hearted in the middle of an emergency.
I met July after my divorce. Up until that time, I had always been straight. I mean, I made out with a girl once when I was in high school. But I guess most women have that sort of experience without taking it seriously. I was trying to resume my work as a sculptress, which I had neglected during the eleven years I was married, and I attended a couple of art exhibitions every week. I wanted to see what was new in the field. And not just in sculpture, but also in painting, performance, and other arts.
Therefore, it wasn’t a surprise when I ended up at a Shibari exhibition. July was there, and we immediately liked each other. At first, I wasn’t sure about starting a new relationship. And I had two strong reasons for that. First, July exhibited the kind of possessive behavior I had come to hate in my ex-husband. Second, I already had enough dealing with the “friendly advice” of my relatives and friends regarding my divorce, and starting a same-sex relationship would bring even more of that crap.
But July was so enthusiastic, that I ended up agreeing to having her move in with me. At first, it was great; even my daughter liked her. We were a trio of free-spirited women, and we had a lot of fun.
Then, July asked me to play bunny for her. She had been a rigger for years, so I felt safe. We began doing the scene, and something immediately went wrong. I felt an uncomfortable sensation in my arm, which quickly turned into pain. I asked July for help. And that’s when she ran away.
She just left! If it hadn’t been for the help of one of the people in charge of the studio, I would have ended up in the emergency room! When I finally came back home, it wasn’t just the pain. I felt broken-hearted because I had trusted someone, and she had let me down.
They say the only time you get to really know people is when you’re in trouble. And I think it’s true.