4 Reasons Not to Come Out as Kinky

Although society is more open-minded nowadays, coming out as a person with an alternative lifestyle is still a challenge in itself. In a previous article, we mentioned four reasons in favor of coming out as a kinky person. To balance things, now we offer 4 reasons not to come out as kinky.
The first reason: it might cause you trouble. The general perception of alternative lifestyles is positive. However, some environments are more conservative than others. Banking, for example, is not as open-minded as the technology industry. Before you come out as a kinky person, consider how open to diversity your environment is and what kind of problems you could encounter once you’ve made your statement.
The second reason: it might not be necessary. You don’t tell the world that you wear glasses or that you like to dress in black. Why? Because it’s not necessary. In a world that is more welcoming of alternative lifestyles, it makes less sense every day to make a statement regarding something that most people accept. Therefore, consider whether it’s really necessary to proclaim yourself as kinky.
The third reason: you might compromise other people. Preferences are a very personal matter. However, they are rarely an individual business. More often than not, they involve other people: partners, friends, relatives, and coworkers. By coming out as a kinky person, you might be compromising someone else’s position or reputation, and that’s not something you want to do. So, before you take the step, think about who will be affected by your decision.
The fourth reason: you may experience turbulence at first. Maybe you’re well adapted to your lifestyle the way it is right now. Making a statement about your taste for kink will certainly bring some conflict and uncertainty to your life. So, think about whether it is advisable to pay that price or if the cost is too high for you right now.
These were the 4 reasons not to come out as kinky we brought to you today. Can you think of another?