Category: Getting Started

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3 Signs that Shibari Is Not for You

Shibari is not everybody’s cup of tea. There are people who truly enjoy tying and being tied. Or, at least, they like watching bondage scenes just like they would do with any other work of art. On the other hand, there are people who just can’t stand rope games. Here we offer 3 signs that…
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3 Signs that Shibari Is for You

Have you ever wondered whether bondage might be an option for you? We usually think of lifestyles as a matter of vanilla versus kink. However, it is far from being that simple. Just as there are different degrees and variations of what we usually group as vanilla, kink is also an extremely diversified phenomenon. Among…
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The Day I Asked for Kink

Introducing Shibari into a relationship is not easy, especially if the other person has never tried kink. However, the initiation of your partner into alternative practices can be one of the best experiences for any kink enthusiast. Not to mention that it is always best to show your true self from the beginning. The moment…
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4 Reasons Not to Come Out as Kinky

Although society is more open-minded nowadays, coming out as a person with an alternative lifestyle is still a challenge in itself. In a previous article, we mentioned four reasons in favor of coming out as a kinky person. To balance things, now we offer 4 reasons not to come out as kinky. The first reason:…
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4 Reasons to Come Out as Kinky

Although society is more open-minded nowadays, coming out as a person with an alternative lifestyle is still a challenge in itself. In case you need some motivation, in this article, we offer 4 reasons to come out as kinky. The first reason is that it is who you are. This may be the most important…
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4 Basic Elements of a Scene

There are 4 basic elements of a scene in Shibari: furniture, lighting, color, and theme. In this article, we will explain each one of them so that you can improve the quality of your scenes. Furniture: Most Shibari scenes don’t use any kind of furniture, but that’s not a rule. You can increase the power…
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Vulnerability in Shibari

When people talk about BDSM, they frequently mention domination and submission, fetishes, and special settings, among others. However, there is an important aspect of BDSM that most people overlook, despite being as crucial as the others: vulnerability. That’s why in this article, we’ll discuss vulnerability in the context of Shibari. Vulnerability means you’re open to…
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How to Identify a Professional Rigger

It is good to hire the services of a professional when you’re taking your first steps into bondage. After all, any scene involves risk, and, therefore, it is important to be guided by someone who has been through the same process many times. Unfortunately, there are many charlatans out there, promoting themselves as Kinbakushis and…
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4 Tips for your First Scene

Your first bondage scene might seem like a frightening task. Unquestionably, the ropes, the safety measures, the scissors, all that can make it look like a visit to the dentist. However, to make it less intimidating, in this article we offer you 4 tips for your first scene. We hope you find them useful. First…
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Before your First Scene

So, you’ve decided you want to try this fascinating Japanese rope bondage you’ve heard so much about. Now what? Well, once you have become acquainted with Shibari and gathered all the basic information about it, the next logical step is to do a bondage scene. So, what are the preparations you should do before your…
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