The 4 Keys of Shibari

Shibari might be intimidating for beginners. After all, the knots seem complicated, and scenes can last for hours. However, it is not rocket science, in the end. So, in this article, we offer you the 4 keys of Shibari. We hope you find them useful.
First key: Imagination. Shibari is not just about ropes and knots. That is, they are the tools, pretty plain tools, by the way. But it is your imagination and creativity that will turn them into a work of art or an unforgettable experience for you and your partner.
Second key: Discipline. Shibari is not for the messy and careless. After all, manipulating ropes and bodies is risky. That’s why only people with a high level of discipline and enough sense of responsibility can practice it. Moreover, bondage is not something you can learn in a few hours. It’s a long journey. And, like all long journeys, a very rewarding one.
Third key: Safety. Bondage is an activity full of risks. And while this may be part of its fascination, it also implies that you must commit deeply to the welfare and safety of all participants involved. Double-check all safety measures and make sure you know what to do in case there’s an emergency. And do only the kind of scene you have the skills for. If you want to try something more challenging, ask for professional help.
Fourth key: Consent. Participants must agree to get involved in a bondage scene. Always. There are no exceptions to consent, as any member of the kinky community knows. Moreover, consent must be explicit and specific, not some vague agreement that may mean different things to different people. Consent is the difference between the kinky and the abusive.
Now you know the 4 keys of Shibari: imagination, discipline, safety, and consent. Grab some ropes and start tying! You won’t regret it!