Creativity in a Shibari Scene

A Shibari scene is the perfect canvas for your imagination. There can be a lot of creativity in a Shibari scene. It’s just a matter of brainstorming ideas, and then finding out what you can do and, most importantly, what you enjoy.
First of all, you can show creativity in the setting of a scene. Most Shibari scenes take place in a studio, of course. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it anywhere else. For example, outdoor scenes are popular nowadays, even though you may not have the equipment to do more complex stunts, such as suspension. You can also create some scenery and still work inside a studio. This can add interest to your scene, instead of just working surrounded by the same black walls.
You can also use lightning imaginatively. High contrast scenes are a popular choice today. The use of color lights is also trendy. In either case, you might have to invest on buying or renting the lightning equipment. However, once you see the final result, you’ll convince yourself that it was money well spent.
As for the participants involved in a scene, there’s also a lot of room for creativity. Nowadays, many people are willing to do cosplay or using costumes. So, you can turn the top and the bottom of any given scene into characters. This might me more appealing than playing yourself within the scene. It can also help beginners to add a certain psychological distance that might help them relax and gain confidence.
Finally, a scene can tell a story. If you add a narrative to the rope scene, you might discover that it becomes more meaningful for you and the other participants involved. You can go back to the past, and symbolically recreate an important moment, or you can go forward into the future and stage your dreams. You can also explore your fears and desires.
The only limit for creativity in a Shibari scene is your own imagination.