Appreciation of Bondage

Standing in front of a Shibari scene or watching pictures of it for the first time can be an intimidating experience. At first, all you can see are bodies displayed in unusual positions. Moreover, you see a lot of ropes, twisted, and tied in unimaginable ways. However, if you take your time and follow the keys we offer here, your appreciation of bondage will grow stronger, and you will enjoy an invaluable experience every time you contemplate a bondage scene.
First of all, take your time. We can never insist too much on this. Shibari takes time. It is not something that can provide immediate gratification. So, stay there, in front of the scene, long enough, until you start to actually see what this mess of bodies and ropes is really about.
Secondly, appreciate the structure. Shibari uses knots, but they are not just there; they have a structure. That is, the rigger arranged them in a certain way for a specific purpose. Try to figure out what that purpose might be.
There are always people in Shibari. It’s not an abstract art. Therefore, try to understand how ropes and bodies combine to form a figure. See how they interact. Is it like a hug with ropes? Is there tension at some point?
Then, delve into the emotional aspects of Shibari. How do you think the bottom feels? What kind of emotions come to your mind when you watch this scene? Remember that in any bondage interaction, there is a power dynamic involved, and also an emotional bond. Can you figure those out from what you’re watching?
Taking time, paying attention to the structure, and, most importantly, understanding the human emotions and dynamics involved in a scene will help you appreciate bondage more deeply. And that, we can promise you, is something you will never regret.
Now you know what you need about the appreciation of bondage.