Steps in a Shibari Scene – Contemplation

There are five steps in a Shibari scene – contemplation is the second one. Once you’ve finished tying, you don’t to immediately begin with the untying. On the contrary, take some time to acknowledge what you’ve just done, and feel good about it.
Shibari is a matter of time. Actually, there is a lot of time-related wisdom involved in bondage. When you finish tying someone, you’re like a mountain climber who has just reached the summit. And just as they take time to celebrate their accomplishment and see things from above, you should take a moment to celebrate that you have succeeded in what you wanted to do, and feel well about it.
Let your bottom know that you’ve finished tying. Say it with joy, just as if you had scored a touchdown or finished a difficult race. Rest a little. Catch your breath. Then, see what you have done. Remember how you had seen this before, in your imagination. And how you decided to give your best and don’t quit until you saw it in reality. Watch every knot. Admire your own skill. Exchange a few words with your bottom or, at least, a few glances. Their eyes will let you know that you’ve done a great job. Say to yourself that you are a competent rigger, who can be proud of their achievements.
And then, let it go. Prepare yourself to undo what took you so much effort to do. Nothing lasts forever, and ropes are no exception. Your bottom can’t stay there forever, and they have already done more than enough for you.
Do not destroy your own work. Never. Let it go. There’s a world of difference between undoing and letting go. Tell your bottom that you’re about to untie them. And take a deep breath.
From the steps in a Shibari scene – contemplation is one of the most important ones.