Shibari and Discretion

Ropes can be stored anywhere. Period. When discussing the topic of Shibari and discretion, the first thing that comes to mind is that ropes are easy to store. Moreover, by themselves, they look perfectly innocent. Any kinky person will tell you just how difficult it can be sometimes to hide “toys and tools” from kids, parents, or relatives. Especially from those who still have a narrow, vanilla mindset. Leaving a dildo in plain sight or having a nephew ask when you used that funny “plastic” outfit he just found in your closet is the kind of social nightmare we all want to avoid.
Shibari makes things easier in this area. To begin with, when a child sees a rope, the first thing that comes to mind is that you must use it to tie something as boring as a paint can. Even an adult will not think immediately of something kinky. This can give you time to fix the mistake and hide the item.
Another aspect that makes Shibari a particularly discreet kink is that rope bondage can be acceptable even for the most vanilla-minded people. Of course, we’re not talking about suspension and nudity, but rather tying some knots around the wrists or ankles. Even non-kinky couples play this game from time to time. So, rope bondage can actually help you to come out as a kinky person without traumatizing your relatives.
Shibari is so subtle that you don’t even have to go to a sex shop to buy some rope. You can buy it in the same store where you buy your tools. You know, the kind of place you go when you need to fix the kitchen.
So, as you can see, when it comes to discretion, Shibari is one of the best options for you. With Shibari, you can be kinky and discreet at the same time.