Exploring Shibari During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Exploring Shibari During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy and shibari are not necessarily mutually exclusive. While carrying a child, many women experience an increase in sex drive due to hormonal changes. This doesn’t mean all sexual practices are off the table, including Si. However, certain precautions should be taken.

In this article, we’ll cover:

Shibary During pregnancy

Shibari can still be enjoyed during pregnancy, but open communication and adjustments are key to ensuring the safety of both mother and baby. The two words “pregnancy and rope bondage” may seem contradictory, yet many couples find ways to keep this intimate activity part of their sex life throughout the nine months.

The Must-Know Safety Considerations

  • Communication – Avoid gags or anything covering the mouth to allow clear, ongoing communication.
  • Positions – Avoid lying flat on the back after the first trimester as this can restrict blood flow. Change positions frequently.
  • Restraints – Use soft ties like silk scarves instead of rigid restraints to accommodate swelling.
  • Belly Protection – Never apply pressure to the abdomen which can harm the baby.
  • Medical Approval – Consult your OBGYN, especially in later stages of pregnancy.

What to Avoid

Some bondage practices should be completely avoided during pregnancy:

  • Suspensions or scenarios with fall risks
  • Intense impact play or electrical stimulation
  • Extended motionless bondage over 10 minutes
  • Overly strenuous positions or restraints

The Bottom Line

While adjustments are needed, bondage doesn’t need to be completely eliminated from your sex life when you’re expecting. Open communication, belly protection, and guidance from your doctor can help you explore pregnancy and rope bondage safely. As with anything, listen to your body’s signals during this delicate time.

Pregnancy inevitably brings changes to one’s body, emotions, and overall lifestyle. Rather than seeing it as an obstacle, many view this period as an opportunity to get creative and explore new intimacies with their partner. By following the proper precautions, rope bondage can be one avenue to embrace the journey of pregnancy in a safe, consensual way.

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