Age of Consent

Age of Consent

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I was a teenager, and I had a crush on an older man. It’s not unusual. Most teenagers experience the same, at least once. I do believe that mine was more original. You see, most girls have a crush on a teacher or on a charismatic uncle. I had a crush on a Shibari instructor. And the most important thing he did for me was to teach me a lesson about the age of consent.

Back then, I was in high school. Well, at least in theory. Because I actually spent most of my time skipping classes, wondering around malls, eating ice cream on the sidewalk, and things like that. I was a “bad” girl.

On one of those journeys away from school, I ended up at a Shibari exhibition. Imagine that! I was fifteen, and I had no idea that bondage existed. I mean, I barely knew what BDSM was all about. So, when I saw that man, all serious and focused, tying up a scantily dressed woman, and then lifting her above the ground through ropes, I just couldn’t believe it.

It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. Men say that the first time they see a naked woman in real life, instead of looking at her in the pages of a magazine or in a movie, they feel an overwhelming sensation of excitement. Well, that’s exactly what happened to me. I tried to step closer, and then I realized I was trembling with excitement!

When the show was over, I sneaked into the guy’s dressing room. I’ve always been a straight talker, so I said to him, “I want you to do to me what you did to the girl on the show. If you do that, you can do whatever you want with me after that.” 

And I meant it. For me, that man was the ultimate master. I was sure he knew everything about men, women, and sex. And I wanted him to show me, to have me, to take me to those places only he could take me.

But there was none of that. Instead, he explained to me, as a teacher would do, what consent was. He also made me realize I was too young to truly consent to anything. He admitted he desired me burningly, but he bid me farewell.

And that was a life lesson more important than anything he could have possibly done to me. Age of consent is no light matter.

This is my Shibari story.

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