Shibari Is Rico

I’m an old-fashioned man, I’ve got to tell you. I like to be a gentleman with my woman and give her gifts, not because I’m buying them or anything like that, but because I want them to know how special they are to me. And I like my women to be the way women used to be—you know, very feminine, pretty, and with nice curves in all the right places. I like to do special things for them. That’s why I always practice Shibari with my women, because Shibari is “rico”.
You understand what “rico” means, don’t you? Literally, it means “tasty”, and it refers to food. But “rico” is a lot more than that. Rico is what makes life good: having a good time with your friends or with your woman. It means being a gentleman when you have to be and a good friend to those who deserve it.
I began doing bondage back on the island. A Japanese tourist whom I met told me about it. I used to be part of the crew of a fishing boat, and I always got along very well with the customers. This woman saw me doing some knots and explained to me that I could use that ability for something far more interesting.
I’m not very good at talking to women. I find it hard to express what I feel. However, by using rope, I can tell them just how much I care and how much they mean to me. To me, a piece of rope is like a second tongue, and I use it to explore and caress my woman’s body so that she knows that I value her just the way she is.
If you have never tried it, you don’t know what you’re missing because Shibari is “rico.”
This is my Shibari story.