How Weird Is Weird?

How Weird Is Weird?

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The dictionary describes “weird” in a very imaginative way, as something that suggests the supernatural or something uncanny. In everyday language, however, we simply define it as the opposite of the usual, that which is not normal. This, in turn, brings up an important question: how weird is weird? How can we tell when something ceases to be normal?

These are not easy questions, of course. And nobody can answer in a definitive way. Nevertheless, we can discuss some interesting aspects involving weirdness.

First of all, we define weird as that which is not normal, but we must take into consideration that normal is not a fixed concept. That is, what people considered normal twenty years ago might not be normal now. Many of the struggles of the political correctness army of today derive from this fact. In the case of bondage, what people saw as sexual perversion fifty years ago they now consider a valid alternative, provided that participants consent to each other.

Likewise, there are things that, although unusual, are still too close to normal to be considered weird. Most people would consider a full bondage suspension as something out of the ordinary. However, some of those same people might not see anything unusual in tying their partners wrists during intercourse. This is the gray zone between normality and weirdness. And this is the kind of common ground where you should begin a partner’s induction into alternative practices. That is, if you’re kinky and you want your partner to embrace such a lifestyle, you shouldn’t start with something too excentric for them. Instead, try something that, although different, they still find relatable.

Finally, if you have plenty of experience within the realms of kink, then you should try something even weirder. This is the same as taking an advanced course once you dominate the basics of a topic.

In the end, it is you who decides how weird is weird.

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