

Ganjigarame is a Shibari technique. Although it may present several variations, it essentially consists in tying a person from head to foot. As you can infer, it is a complex technique, which takes time and requires additional safety measures. Ganjigarame aims for total restraint. It can be the basis for an intense scene. It is also important to say that a long session of aftercare can work wonders after such endeavors.

Because of its intensity, Ganjigarame requires intense and frequent communication between top and bottom. The top must be particularly sensitive to non-verbal communication, since, as the tying progresses, the bottom will be unable to speak or move.

As for safety, you should constantly make sure that the bottom can breathe properly. It is also important to be very careful when tying the head, since this involves passing ropes across the face

In terms of its aesthetic value, Ganjigarame gives the impression of a cocoon. It is also very adequate to draw the silhouette of a bottom. Since it is essentially a long stroke, it can suggest movement.

Emotionally, Ganjigarame is one of the strongest Shibari techniques. It puts the top in a position of complete power and command. At the same time, the bottom experiences complete vulnerability. These extreme positions are sure to provide an intense experience to the participants involved.

Ganjigarame, of course, is not for beginners. Only an experienced rigger can skilfully deal with the responsibility of tying a person’s whole body. The bottom also needs to be experienced. Many people, even those who enjoy being tied, might feel uncomfortable when being totally covered with ropes, so a lot of serenity and self-control is necessary for the success of the scene. On the other hand, the achievement of such a feat can provide an exhilarating feeling of satisfaction to both participants.

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