Discipline and Self-Improvement

Everybody wants to be better than they are, but not everybody is willing to pay the price. Discipline is a word that doesn’t sound nice to most people’s ears. However, as any bondage practitioner knows, without discipline, self-improvement is impossible. That’s why discipline and self-improvement always go together in Shibari.
Discipline is doing what you have to do, no matter whether you feel like it or not. You’re committed to a goal, and you do what it takes to accomplish it, regardless of whether that means working hard, quitting other valuable activities, or getting in conflict with somebody else.
Self-improvement, on the other hand, means becoming a better version of yourself every day. Struggling with your shortcomings and developing your talents, without ever taking a step back.
As any bondage enthusiast knows, discipline and self-improvement are essential in Shibari. It takes a lot of discipline to learn how to use the ropes and how to play the bottom role correctly. And it is evident to anyone who has been through the ropes that it is an enhancing experience.
Discipline and self-improvement lead to one another. Discipline makes you a better person, and that improvement gives you the necessary motivation to keep working and to make the extra effort that it always takes to overcome your difficulties and personal shortcomings.
Today, many people feel an intense dislike for discipline. They also believe that self-improvement is effortless and automatic. However, any bondage practitioner will tell them that things are not like that. You achieve improvement by working hard and frequently.
Shibari has a long tradition of discipline. It’s no coincidence that it began as part of the military activity of the ancient Japanese warriors. Even though it has now become more of an art form, this doesn’t contradict its origins.
So, embrace the discipline of ropes, and it will lead you to self-improvement in unexpected ways.