What It Takes to Be a Shibari Model

Following the resounding success of our enlightening two-part interview with a seasoned Shibari model (which you can read here and here), our curiosity led us to converse with more models who have graced the realms of bondage photoshoots and mesmerizing performances. Eager to illuminate the path for aspiring individuals, we sought their counsel on embarking upon a similar journey. Here’s a glimpse into their insights.
Paths and new Roads
“Path? It’s an ever-evolving journey! Shibari is progressively emerging into the mainstream, a realm in constant transformation. Contemplate this – it’s not akin to fashion, nor is it confined to the realm of pornography. It’s a nuanced fusion, an interplay between erotica and athleticism. You need to exude allure while possessing strength, a delicate equilibrium that’s far from simple to achieve.”
Endurance and Stamina
“A paramount aspect is unwavering stamina. Shed the illusion that this mirrors a brief runway stint, over within moments. Sessions unravel over prolonged periods, testing your limits. If you’re a vision of beauty lacking physical resilience, the endeavor becomes arduous. Engage in rigorous workouts – I mean truly exert yourself. Nobody desires a model who falters midway due to exhaustion.”
Professionalism and Passion
“Perceptions of kink enthusiasts as an eccentric horde are wildly misplaced. In truth, they epitomize professionalism, akin to any photographer or artist I’ve encountered. What sets them apart is their fervor for their craft. Align your enthusiasm with theirs; view it not as a frivolous game of ropes, for they hold no tolerance for such notions. Conversely, should synergy blossom and a connection unfurl, the calls will persist. The value of collaborating with kindred spirits who share your dedication is beyond measure.”
Anonymity and Invaluable Insight
“Given the sensitive nature of their roles, the models opt to remain anonymous. Therefore, we extend their guidance without attributing it to any specific model.”
What’s Next?
And thus, a vista into the world of being a Shibari model comes to light. The journey unfurls as a tapestry woven with intricacies, requiring not only allure but also strength, passion, and unwavering commitment. As we unveil the veiled whispers of these experienced models, we offer you a glimpse into the realm of Shibari modeling, where tenacity meets sensuality, and where the path to mastery takes shape.
Now you know what it takes to be a Shibari model.