Interview with a Shibari Model, Part II

We continue our dialogue with “Kassandra”, a young woman who has worked as a Shibari model for photoshoots and events. You can read the first part of the interview in a previous post. Here, we offer the second part of this interview with a Shibari model. Enjoy the interview with a Shibari model, part II.
SHIBARI NEWS: Is Shibari becoming fashionable in social media?
KASSANDRA: I think it’s gaining momentum, yes. However, if you want to display bondage photographs on social media, make sure they comply with the user terms. In other words, avoid nudity. In any case, you can offer the sexier version of the photographs on some other platform, which is more appropriate for that kind of content.
SN: Does being a Shibari model affect your personal life?
K: Well, there are still many stereotypes around kink, you know? People think that because you do bondage and feel so positive about your body as to allow it to be pictured nude, you are all the way into kink, and there’s not a deviation you haven’t tried. But that’s not true! (Laughs). I could tell you a dozen things I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing. So, even if I’m a Shibari model, I’m not a bondage mistress with her own private studio at home. (Laughs again).
SN: One last question, and this is very important for our community, is the pay good?
K: There is good money in Shibari, provided that you behave professionally and don’t play the obnoxious diva role. You have to keep in very good shape, not just to look good, but to endure the scenes, some of which can be extremely tiring… I want to add that, for me, even though the pay is good, the most important part of Shibari is not the money, but the empowerment it provides.
(End of interview with a Shibari model, part II).