Shibari among Young People

The younger generation is way more open-minded when it comes to kink. They are willing to embrace alternative sexual practices and validate all kinds of deviations from traditional positions. However, they are also more willing to accuse anything they consider to be wrong. Moreover, they will “cancel” anyone who offends their ideal vision of the brave new world. In this article we explore the practice of Shibari among young people.
Young people start their contact with kink earlier than people from previous generations. In a time where you can find anything on the Internet, you can learn all the basics of Shibari. And do it in a matter of days. However, the quality of this knowledge is variable. As with any other activity, search results include advice from the best professionals, as well as material from charlatans and irresponsible people who just want to get some clicks. In the end, the best advice is still to look for a professional instructor in a workshop or an event.
This “normalization of kink” has led to younger people trying all kinds of kink without prejudice. Something that was considered totally kinky years ago, like handcuffs and butt-slapping, has now gone to the other side and become vanilla. The shameless search for pleasure and satisfaction is now seen as something totally desirable.
On the other hand, however, a higher awareness of abuse and violence has led to an extremely suspicious attitude among young people. Consequently, language and behaviors that were acceptable and mainstream before have now become insulting and unacceptable.
This creates a paradox in which a young woman might agree to whipping without blinking and then accuse her partner of sexism if they call her “babe”. It might sound funny, but when cancellation comes into the picture, it ceases to be a joke.
So, while it is good that young people become part of the bondage community, it is important to be careful and avoid any possible situation that might be offensive for someone, somewhere, at any given moment. Shibari among young people is becoming increasingly popular.