Interview with a Shibari Model, Part I

Many people nowadays have an interest in making money modeling for bondage performances and photoshoots. Most of them are women, of course, but there are also male models in the world of ropes. In order to give you a general view of the job, we interviewed “Kassandra” (not her real name), who has participated in over thirty photoshoots and a dozen performances in festivals and events. In them, she has worked with some of the best photographers and professional riggers. And now, she agreed to be totally honest with us about her experience. That’s why we proudly present the first part of this interview with a Shibari model.
SHIBARI NEWS: How did you become a Shibari model, Kassandra?
KASSANDRA: Well, I was a bondage enthusiast before becoming a model. And that would be my first advice for anyone who wants to do what I do. If you don’t like ropes, you’ll hate the whole thing. You have to enjoy getting tied, for whatever reason. And that means accepting the long time a scene takes -especially if it’s going to be photographed. And there are also the occasional friction marks, which many people don’t enjoy.
SN: What is the best part of being a Shibari model?
K: I like many things, actually. I mean, models usually don’t do much, besides being pretty for a photograph, or walking in such a way that the clothes you’re promoting look good. In a bondage scene, that’s not the case. You are a participant, at the same level of involvement as the rigger and the photographer. You are an artist as much as them. I like that.
SN: And what are the disadvantages you would warn other models about?
K: Well, as I said, scenes take a long time. For example, it might take the whole morning to get a dozen good shots. And, if you’re working on an exhibition, you have to spend hours rehearsing and getting ready for something that will actually last a few minutes on stage.
(End of interview with a Shibari model, part I).