Osada Steve

To begin with, Master Osada Steve was born in Germany. He became a Japanese Shibari artist, stage performer, and general educator. Moreover, he has lived in several regions of Asia spanning almost have a decade.
Osada Steve and Shibari
He developed a great passion for Japanese rope arts or bondage back in the 90s. He did so after making the desition of taking up photography in Tokyo. Then he quickly started apprenticing Kinbaku. Afterwards, he became a great friend, student, and assistant (or “Nawa Deshi”) of the late Grand Master Osada Eikichi. Having lived in Tokyo for over 30 years and practiced Shibari since the 90s, Osada Steve learned this art in a hard way: he was a foreigner or as a “Gaijin.”
Worldwide Recognition
Osada Steve has become greatly recognized both in and out of Japan. Currently he is one of the world’s most skilled rope artists and evolving professional stage performers. This Master has combined his experience in martial arts and the traditional Japanese environment like the dojo. Moreover, he runs an effective and safe Kinbaku schooling system. Overall, the Osada Ryu offers the student a mindful, spiritual, entertaining, personal, and technically challenging journey of learning the ropes.
Honoring Osada Steve
Finally, this Shibari Master enables his students to find their own path over time through his practices. He does so by teaching the importance of self-challenge and creative mindful practice. As a Sensei, he gladly passes on his life achievements to people who may want to study, with sufficient patience and respect, Kinbaku.
Today, Osada Steve keeps studying and digging deep into Kinbaku. His devotion seems to be super-powered by his grate passion and eager curiosity. He presents a clear and present benefit to his students worldwide.