How to Be a Good Bottom

We are clear that a bottom has its tasks in a Shibari scene. Therefore, it is important to learn how to be a good bottom. It is as important as bieng a good top. First, it’s important to know what the general intent for the scene is. Where you and your partner may have planned every move so things are fluid and run smoothly, where you can be mentally and physically prepared.
In order to be a good rope bottom remember to prepare yourself before the scene. It is important for you to sleep well, eat well (not too much or too little),and drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Likewise, you should also stretch before your scene. If you have all these under control, your scene will deffinately work perfectly as planned.
Something that bottoms usually forget, is to go to the bathroom before the scene. As a bottom, you can control the scene, and you can also avoid any situation that gets things out of control. You can also help by keeping your fingers flat against your skin. That will prevent the rope from getting caught on your hands. Also, be aware of not stepping on the trailing ends of the rope, it will help things flow.
Once the rigger begins to untie you, don’t move. If you move your arms while the untying process happens, you can complicate things or put tension in some parts of the body, resulting in knots or tangles, besides taking more control in the scene, which is the opposite of the bottoming and submitting mindset. Once you are coming out of rope, you should move slowly, in order to give your muscles a chance to get blood flow back after restraint.
Now you know how to be a good bottom.
Image: Coffee & Kink