Strategies to Advance your Rope Learning.

As you delve into Shibari, you will want to learn more and improve at bondage. Here are some strategies to advance your rope learning. Like in any other activity, you want to go from crawling to running. However, remember that Shibari has some risks, so take your time and be patient. You can advance and achieve the goals you have committed to as long as you take firm steps. Remeber the rule: move to next level once you dominate the previous one.
Shibari, like any other activity, requires time, knowledge, practice and collaboration. I have some strategies to move forward on learning Shibari and becoming an expert. The first strategy is to find time. I would suggest at least 3 times a week, but ideally 5 times a week. Schedule a time, about an hour, can work to search on the internet, read and learn about shibari. Watch videos, tutorials or even photos, where you will find inspiration. You must also gain practical and theoretical knowledge and by investigating. Which leads you to the second strategy, knowledge. I would recommend focusing on some learning goals, like I would like to achieve a suspension in 2 months, to do suspension you will need time and practice, but knowledge will take you there.
You need to study basic anatomy and all the basics of Shibari, materials, knots, positions, safety measures and more.
Once you find the time to learn and once you are already learning Shibari, you will require practice. Practice makes you a master in things, so it is very important to practice rope bondage to keep developing your skills. You can practice shibari once or twice a week, that will work, but don’t quit the practice, that will take you where you want to go. And finally, collaboration, it is always a good idea to attend parties, play dates, workshops with rope practitioners and lover, where you can interact with them and work together to get more experience. Remember collaborations are a great idea that will make you share experiences, knowledge and passion with others.
Now you know these useful strategies to advance your rope learning.
Image: Shibari Academy