When to clean your Shibari rope

In Shibari Rope is very important, it is your working tool and you need to take care of it. People usually take care of their tools, they choose them carefully and clean them when needed. Learn how and when to clean your Shibari rope. Shibari lovers usually feel proud of the rope they chose, the colour, the material, the length.
Once you start in Shibari, your rope gets to be the most important thing. Sometimes rope requires cleaning.
In which situation might the rope require cleaning? If you are tying in a dirty environment like muddy or oily places, it is probable that your rope gets dirty. If you are using hot wax in a Shibari scene, you will deffinitely need to clean it. Likewise, if sexual fluids or blood have ended up in your rope. After a long time using the rope can be a good idea to clean it. Make sure to take off all the organic human material that ended up in the rope.
Cleaning your rope can damage it, so it is very important to know what you’re doing. Synthetic rope will have less damage than natural fibre ropes, so if you are going to practice Shibari in a rusty scene or anything dirty that will require cleaning the rope after, I would recommend using synthetic rope. Regarding the hot wax on the rope, I won’t recommend using synthetic rope because it might melt.
When cleaning your rope you will need different techniques depending on the dirt of your rope, but remember that cleaning rope is not the same as sanitizing. Cleaning the mud or wax off the rope is different from cleaning blood or fluids off. Remember that blood and body fluids can transmit diseases, so it is a contaminated rope and you will need to treat it differently.
Now you know when to clean your Shibari rope.
Image: Rgbstock