Find the Takate Kote for Your Models

In “Find the Takate Kote for Your Models,” you will learn what a box tie is, also named ‘Takate Kote’ from the Japanese (or simply from its abbreviation ‘TK’), and what the benefits and disadvantages of the practice of Shibari are.
The goal will be to learn how to tie several types of box ties that will adjust to the anatomy of your model to let them experience what is more suitable for them.
Price: €90 per couple (regular price), €70 per couple (members and low-income earners; proof required on-site).
If you are a low-income earner, please contact The Rope Rebels on Instagram and pay cash.
There is also a discount if you attend two or three workshops: 50% discount on an upcoming Jam or Tied Connections workshop.
Riggers should bring three ropes and have good understanding and precision with single column ties, frictions, and tension management. Models should be aware of their body limitations, especially in the upper body, arms, and shoulders.
While attending the workshop, it is essential to come as a couple. It is necessary for participants to find a partner beforehand, and you are welcome to connect with potential partners in the RopeRebels Telegram Group.
The workshop will be conducted by Otto (Instagram: @kaord.ropes) and hosted by RopeRebels (Instagram: @rope_rebels_vienna). For any inquiries, kindly direct your questions to RopeRebels via Instagram.
Ropes will be available for purchase at the workshop. To ensure an adequate supply, please contact us on Instagram beforehand.
Rope Jam/Playparty after the last workshop on Saturday will be included in the price.
Saturday, March 9th, 15:00–19:00.
Location: Schwelle Wien, Tellgasse 25, 1150 Wien.
Find the Takate Kote for Your Models might be the right event for you!