Friction Can Bring Joy.

Friction Can Bring Joy.

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A great writer once said that not everybody is sad in the same way. Well, I’d say that nobody enjoys pleasure in the same way. We all have our own private menu for a three-course meal: arousal, satisfaction, and aftermath. In my case, friction can bring joy beyond anything imaginable.

In my case, I have to say that I’m a particularly sensitive person, especially in some specific areas of my body. Remember that I can’t be too explicit here, so you’ll have to figure out what exactly I am talking about. Let’s just say that they come in pairs, and that they occasionally slip, especially when someone’s nearby with a camera.

So, one of my favorite delights is the joy of friction. And the best place to find friction is bondage, because you have ropes rubbing against your body. Now, before we go on, let me make something clear. I’m not talking about just passing a rope around; that’s silly. I’m talking about art here.

You see, bondage is not just a matter of ropes. It’s about rediscovering all the forgotten spots on your body, and about making an emotional connection with your partner and with yourself. It is also about creating something that is beautiful and sexy. And it is also about taking risks and being vulnerable.

The fun that starts in two specific parts of my body soon becomes an overwhelming sensation that drags me completely into a realm that I can barely describe. All I will say is that, once you’ve been there, you always want to come back.

Anyway, if everything I’ve said so far makes any sense, it’s this: generally accepted pleasures might not be your pleasure. Like another guy said, “Follow your bliss”, and if it leads you to a bondage scene, well, that’s fine. As for me, I think that friction can bring joy.

It was great for me!

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