It’s Better That Way

So, I took back consent. And I think it’s better that way. You see, consent is not something that you give once, and that’s it. You have to confirm consent for every scene. Otherwise, something wrong may happen. That’s what I learned the hard way.
Jonah and I had been together for almost two years. We’re both kinky, so we’ve already tried many different practices together. Since we’re young and daring, we were both eager to experience new things. If I made a list of all the kinks we discovered together, I would not end on time! It was great. Moreover, we always did it responsibly, paying attention to safety and negotiating consent until we reached a satisfactory agreement for all parties involved.
And then, we came to a point when John wanted to try Consensual Non-Consent. I wasn’t sure about it, but I trusted him. And so, we agreed on the terms of the scene. Let’s make that clear: I consented.
However, the actual experience was not pleasant for me. I had agreed to it, and I went along with it until the end. But, by the time we finished, I was certain I didn’t want to experience that again.
So, I took back consent. I said that to John clearly, and I was trying to be as unemotional as possible. It wasn’t a threat, or the starting point of a discussion. It was a free, conscious decision made by an adult person. And he had to respect that.
John didn’t take it very well. Unfortunately, our relationship is over. And yet, I think it’s better that way. Like I said, consent has to be refreshed for every scene. And you always, and I mean always, have the right to take it back, without feeling guilty or ashamed.
Don’t you agree?