Old-Fashioned Shibari

I’m a gentleman. Not the Southern cliché kind of gentleman, but a gentleman, nonetheless. And my Donna is a lady, and you better swear she is, or I’ll demand satisfaction. Now, the fact that she’s a lady and I’m a gentleman doesn’t mean that we can’t be kinky. BDSM and manners go well together. So, we have developed our own unique brand of old-fashioned Shibari. Please, allow me to explain myself.
Whenever we’re going to do a scene, we dress up for the occasion. I love the fact that she wears long satin gloves and barely anything else. As for her, she loves that I wear a bow tie with no shirt below, even if it’s a bit uncomfortable when I’m breathing hard as I tie her.
At any point in the scene, we never forget to say “please” and “thank you”. Most of all, we watch our language. Therefore, instead of saying “tying your arms behind your back turns me on”, I’d say something like “darling, I find it unbelievably sensual when you let me tie your arms behind your back and make you look like a Greek statue”.
We accompany our endeavors with elegant music from long-gone times. It’s not unusual for us to practice bondage at some Glenn Miller tune. Likewise, we like to follow the steps of a Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers movie.
We usually practice in private, and, even though some friends have expressed a keen interest in our particular style, we avoid exhibitions. Some people, the ignorant masses, usually, find our style utterly ridiculous. And we’re not willing to get upset and ruin the great time we’re having because of a brutish exhibition of mockery.
My final advice would be: do whatever you want in the way you want, and pay absolutely no attention to whatever anyone else has to say about it. It’s the healthiest and happiest way to live. We like our own brand of old-fashioned Shibari.
This is our Shibari story.