Intuitive Shibari

Intuitive Shibari

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I’m not prone to believing in anything science can’t prove. I don’t even read my horoscope in the morning. I’m not the kind of guy who sees UFOs and swears that he’s seen real cases of telekinesis. You get the point. However, whatever is going on between Rose and me whenever we do a bondage scene goes beyond explanation. I call it intuitive Shibari. Others would call it telepathy.

Any bondage practitioner will tell you that Shibari is communication. That is, beyond the knots and the ropes, there is a constant exchange of messages between top and bottom. Some practitioners are very talkative, but most of us prefer not to talk during a scene.

Now, I’ve been with Rose for a couple of years now. And I still can’t believe all the things she can tell me without saying a word when we’re doing a bondage scene together. I swear, it feels as if she were talking inside my head. I don’t know any other way to explain it.

I’ve done some research, and I think that the best explanation is that the fact of being busy with the tying, allows us to concentrate on things that are usually below our conscious level. It’s like when you’re trying to remember something and, instead of insisting on that, you take a walk or do the dishes. Most of the time, in the middle of another activity, whatever you were trying to remember comes easily to your mind.

Whatever the explanation might be, I can assure you that I and Rose enjoy it greatly. Having this level of communication with your partner is something to be proud of, if you ask me. It proves that you really know and care for the other person. And it’s great to be with someone who really takes the time to understand whatever you’re trying to tell them, even if you don’t say a word.

This is the story of our intuitive Shibari.

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