Shibari and Fanfiction

“As Shego tightened the ropes in which she had wrapped Kim Possible in Dr. Drakken’s dungeon, the red-haired heroine couldn’t prevent a sudden arousal of her nipples in response to the delicious friction caused by the ropes. Then, she looked at Shego. She knew. Her eyes opened widely. Her hands trembled with desire. Now, Kim realized, she was completely at the mercy of her enemy. Shego could do whatever harm she wanted to her. But, was she really her enemy? And, did she really want to harm her? Gradually, she realized what perhaps Shego had known long before: it was not enmity but desire that flowed between them. And it was not harm but sheer satisfaction that the woman in the green and black uniform wanted from her. Once Kim understood that, the kiss came as no surprise.” This is Shibari fanfiction.
What you’ve just read is an example of fanfiction. Fanfiction is a piece of narrative written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, or other fictional content. Fanfiction became popular in the 1970s, thanks to the fans of Star Trek movies. And it has reached new heights since the advent of the Internet. As for the steamy paragraph you just read, erotic fanfiction is one of the most popular genres among fanfiction writers and readers.
Curiously enough, bondage is one of the most recurrent topics in erotic fanfiction. This might be due to the fact that it is not as explicit as porn (which is also a fanfiction genre), nor as vanilla as the typical romance. This middle ground makes it perfect for stories that, while decidedly erotic, still show the author’s proper handling of the original characters and their world.
How about you? Have you ever read a piece of fanfiction? Would you like to read an erotic short story about your favorite characters? What do you think of Shibari and fanfiction?