Shibari instead of Drugs

In this article, coach Hank Martines, who has helped many people deal with stress and anxiety, shares his thoughts on the use of Shibari instead of drugs to treat these ailments.
Disclaimer: coach Hank Martines is not a medical specialist, and consequently, his advice should not be taken as medical counsel. Stress and anxiety disorders should be diagnosed and treated by formally recognized specialists.
Hank Martines is a man of many talents. Among other things, he’s a sculptor, amateur aviator, certified chef, and bondage enthusiast. He’s also a coach for the treatment of stress and anxiety disorders. And the unique focus of his approach is worth hearing.
“No drugs! Don’t use drugs. Once you use a drug to treat an ailment, you become dependent on that drug. You let it take control of your life. And that is never the answer.”
“I know that stress and anxiety can be overwhelming. Just as a piece of the strongest wood breaks apart when you put too much pressure into it, our inner self breaks apart if you submit it to extreme pressure.”
“And that’s when Shibari comes into the picture. Shibari is all about understanding your limits and achieving what you thought was impossible. It’s about feeling restrained and setting yourself free, with the help of those who love you.”
“That’s why I recommend Shibari instead of drugs. Shibari teaches you to be patient. It also shows you how to trust other people. Rope bondage encourages you to communicate and express your feelings. And it also shows you how to stay alert and face an emergency.”
“If you ask me, that’s quite a complete life-surviving kit. And it’s just one rope away from you.”
“So, don’t do drugs. Don’t take any pills that will turn you into a zombie. Try Shibari instead of drugs. At the very least, you will enjoy the experience.”