Weird Compliments

On the conversation board of the “Free the Kink” Facebook group, Daisy Preston posted what, at first, seems like a simple question. “What is the weirdest compliment someone has ever given you?”. And, since weird compliments are a topic we all have something to say about, there were around fifty answers. And counting.
As you could expect, funny answers abound. People have received unexpected praise by their “beautiful earlobes”, “nice clavicles”, “perfect nipples for breastfeeding”, and such. There are also plenty of non-imaginative flattering remarks about the most frequently praised body parts. This applies to men (“You have a nice cock for porn”, “it’s too big”). And women (“Yours is the cutest ass I have seen today”).
However, there are other weird compliments which reveal the hidden dynamics of kink. For example, when someone says to another person that they “would make a great bisexual” they are emphasizing, even if perhaps unconsciously, the flexible and creative attitude at the heart of kink. In kink, as any practitioner knows, deviations are not “wrong roads” to follow, but rather as alternative paths which people are free to step into, if that’s what they want. Likewise, when someone is told that they “look great carried slung over a shoulder”, it’s easy to notice a clear reference to domination dynamics.
In the end, weird compliments are an integral part of kink, because kink is all about validating weirdness. Behaviors and preferences that, from the conventional side seem odd or wrong, become acknowledged and celebrated from the kinky side.
One more thing, one of the commentaries related weird compliments with body shaming. However, they are not related. Body shaming is an act of hate, and its purpose is to hurt people. Weird compliments, on the other hand, are always a form of praise, albeit an original, unexpected one.