What You Discover through Shibari

What You Discover through Shibari

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Have you ever taken a moment to think about what you discover through Shibari? As any bondage enthusiast will tell you, rope games are not just about ropes. There are emotions and a power dynamic involved. This complex interaction can lead to discovery.

First of all, you discover your limits through Shibari. We live in a society that tells us that nothing is impossible. However, when preparing a bondage scene, it is wise to acknowledge the things that you just can’t do, at least not yet. Knowing your limits is not bad. Quite the opposite, it is the first step from an “I can do it all” teenage illusion to a more mature vision of life.

You also discover your body through Shibari. We think we know our bodies. After all, we use them every day. And yet, many people, after a scene, talk about how unaware they were of their own bodies. Shibari encourages you to take the time to know your body more thoroughly.

On a deeper psychological level, Shibari helps you discover your true desires. We are trained to live according to a socially acceptable, vanilla set of preferences. And, as any member of the BDSM community can tell, social acceptance of diversity is still hard to achieve, especially when it comes to intimate practices.

Finally, what you discover through Shibari is a more accurate version of yourself and of your partners. The way people behave during a scene says a lot about who they truly are, for better or worse. The basic attitudes of people, both positive and negative, become evident when performing a scene. Their kindness or their rudeness, their generosity or their selfishness—it will all come to light when interacting at such an intense physical and emotional level with their partners.

And you? What have you discovered through Shibari?

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