Tag: italian rigger

Davide La Greca

Davide La Greca is an Italian rigger, Shibari artist ,and rope bondage teacher.Davide tried Shibari for the first time, back in 1990. Helped by a few pictures and a lot of imagination, he tied his partner. Later, in 2001, Davide started studying, and he finally decided to turn his passion into a profession. In 2004,…
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Riccardo Wildties

Renowned across borders as an Italian rigger, teacher, performer, and rope virtuoso, Riccardo Wildties commands international recognition for his enthralling expertise in the realm of Japanese Rope Bondage. The allure of his performances, coupled with his insightful workshops and classes, echoes across Europe. And that’s what makes him a true luminary in the field. Riccardo…
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