4 Benefits of Rope Bondage

One of the most popular kinks is rope games. It’s no wonder that the “B” in BDSM stands for “Bondage”. And Shibari is the most pleasurable form of bondage. As for its effects, it’s not only a great foundation for a kink scene, it also offers many benefits to its practitioners. In this article we explain 4 benefits of rope bondage.
First benefit: it´s cheap. Other kinks are way more expensive. Period. Rope bondage, especially if you start with cotton ropes, instead of natural fiber ropes, is quite inexpensive. This gives you the opportunity to try it and decide whether you like it or not. And, if, in the end, you decide that bondage is not for you, you didn’t waste a lot of money.
Second benefit: the materials for Shibari are easy to find. You don’t have to go to a sex shop to buy ropes. This might be important if your partner is not so much into kink as you are. Going to an erotic shop can be intimidating for some people. Likewise, the sight of handcuffs or whips can produce the same reaction some people have when they see the dentist’s equipment. On the other hand, ropes are familiar and not scary. Besides, if you need something else, you don’t have to make an online order or go very far to get it.
Third benefit: bondage stuff is easy to store. Some BDSM equipment can be quite voluminous. In contrast, ropes don’t occupy much space and can be stored in any drawer or rack. This helps to hide your kinks from judgmental eyes. Moreover, you don’t have to rent a storage unit or something like that.
Fourth benefit: bondage is as versatile as your imagination. Ropes can be used in many ways. That’s why in another article we called them “Lego for grown-ups”. You can follow the tradition, but you can also innovate and try something different.
We hope we convinced you with these 4 benefits of rope bondage.