5 Interesting facts about Shibari

5 Interesting facts about Shibari

Shibari is a rigging technique that has its own artistic purpose. Although Shibari might look like something eccentric and modern, there are some things about Shibari you should definitely know. So, here you have 5 interesting facts about Shibari.

1. Shibari originated decades ago. The name Shibari relates to an artistic sensual art form from Japan. It originated with Hojojutsu, which was a self-defense technique in the Edo period.

2. Shibari has its own aesthetic. Each rigger has their own technique to tie and the aesthetic differs depending on the style of Shibari and the creativity of the rigger.

3. Shibari uses only natural fiber rope. Although Shibari is a Japanese practice, that does no then that the rope used is any kind of rope. Shibari artists always use ropes made up of natural fiber plants with linen or hemp.

4. Shibari has different goals. Shibari is not just an art or a technique, it is also the life and attitude that exists in a person. Although many people see Shibari as something negative and something Innapropieted and harmful, some people also enjoy Shibari. Shibari involves emotional exchange, and so it helps to develop more intimate relationships. It can also strengthen the relationship since it allows everyone to express their emotions and feeling. Shibari is also a stress relief technique or to relax. The goal of Shibari depends on each practitioner and its intentions.

5. Shibari is not only for Sexual gratification. Although Shibari is commonly seen as a sexual technique, it also allows for an intense communication between partners. Shibari is also done only for art purposes and as a performance that has nothing to do with sex and they only do it as an art.

We hope you enjoyed reading these 5 interesting facts about Shibari.

Image: ElMundo

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