Shibari and Recreational Drugs

We live in a time when most people accept the use of recreational drugs. It’s not unusual to see people shamelessly smoking weed or taking a psychedelic substance as they would take a regular drink. This naturally leads to the question of whether you should combine Shibari and recreational drugs. The spoiler is that you should not.
At first, it might sound like a good idea. After all, Shibari is all about the senses, and there are several drugs which can heighten your perception. You might think that it would be great to feel the touch of the rope in all its glory, or that watching your partner all tied up with an enhanced vision might prove a delight beyond description.
And the same goes for the psychological aspect of a scene. Lifting the usual emotional repressions while doing a bondage scene might sound like the threshold for an unusually intense experience.
However —and this is a BIG however—, consuming drugs before or during a Shibari scene increases the risk and shows a poor sense of responsibility. Injuries from Shibari can be quite ugly. And no amount of sensory stimulation is worthy of an emergency.
Most recreational drugs impair coordination and motion skills. And that’s not something you want to deal with if you’re playing rigger. As for the bottom, you might think that, since a bottom “doesn’t do much”, there’ll be no problem in them taking some stimulating substance or another.
But that is wrong, too. A bottom may not move, but that doesn’t mean they are not doing anything. Many drugs are known for interfering with breathing or blood circulation. And that’s not something you want your bottom to experience while they are tied and helpless.
In conclusion, even though a “rope trip” might sound like a good idea at first, it is actually one of the worst ideas, when you think about it. So, it’s best for you to take your “trips” on some other occasion.
Now you know what you need about Shibari and recreational drugs.