What to do if someone faints during a Shibari scene?

What to do if someone faints during a Shibari scene?

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Knowing what to do if someone faints during a Shibari scene is very important. It is frequent, specially if trying rope suspension, that a participant faints in rope bondage or Shibari scenes. In most cases, the person who fainted recovers quickly, so panic is not the best reaction. Fainting is your body’s way of saying to lie down. There are several causes for this.

Decreased blood flow to the brain leads to fainting. Predictably, this can happen in a position that compromises blood flow, such as suspension. There can also be medical issues, traumas or dehydration behind fainting. Possible Fainting symptoms may be nausea, seeing black spots or tunnel vision, ringing in the ears dispones and light-headedness.  If your partner shows signs of being near fainting, get them to lay down so they can recover.

After someone artner fainted, is important to check for responsiveness. If they wake up, we recommend to loudly ask if they are okay. If there is no response, tap the shoulder, to search for an answer. It is important to lay them down if they are sitting down or hunched up, that will help them get them to wake up and recover. If they are already laying down and not responding, you need to check for breathing, if there is no breathing you need to immediately call 911 and start chest compressions. It is also important to remove any restrictive clothing or items such as corsets collars, rope, or belts, if there is a chest or upper body harness you need to take it off as well.

After fainting, your partner might feel a little sick, confused, or weak, but if you see some abnormal reactions like difficulty speaking or confusion or feeling lost, it is important to check a doctor.

Remember fainting can be common, but it is always important to get the safety precautions required. If your partner faints, follow the steps and call a doctor, it is better to check them up and be safe.

Know you know what to do if someone faints during a Shibari scene.

Image: The Guardian

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