Strangulation Is Forbidden in Shibari

Strangulation Is Forbidden in Shibari

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Shibari always involves risk. The primary risks are nerve damage and circulatory problems. There is also the risk of injuries, either in the joints, due to knots which are too tight, or due to a fall while tied. You can prevent these risks by taking the proper safety measures. However, strangulation is in itself too dangerous to even try it. That’s why strangulation is forbidden in Shibari.

Strangulation means tying around the neck. And it’s something that no bottom should accept, and no top should even consider asking. A rope that suddenly closes around the neck can kill a person in a matter of seconds. Even if that’s not the case, it might produce severe injuries. And that’s why it is out of the question in any bondage scene.

It is important to notice that strangulation is not the same as grabbing someone’s throat. The gesture of putting your hand around your partner’s throat might be acceptable in some circumstances. You shouldn’t do this if you are with someone for the first time, since you still don’t know their hard limits. However, if you’re doing a scene with a well-known partner, you may agree that throat-grabbing is acceptable and pleasurable for both of you. 

Why is it different? Basically, because you control your hand in a way you would never be able to control a rope. When you use your hand, you know exactly how much pressure you’re applying, and you can release your partner’s neck immediately. With rope, on the other hand, you’re always guessing how strong the knot is, and, most importantly, you cannot immediately release the pressure, if something’s going wrong.

For these reasons, you should never consider strangulation as part of a bondage scene. Remember, keep things Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) between you and your partner.

Strangulation is forbidden in Shibari.

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