4 Questions to Know How Kinky You Are

Vanilla is the word that describes conventional sexuality. There’s nothing wrong with it. However, if you tend to be more alternative in your tastes and practices, that means you’re kinky. Kink is defined as anything that deviates from the usual. Between vanilla and kink, anyone can find their place. Here we offer 4 questions to know how kinky you are.
First question: do you feel comfortable being naked? This question helps to evaluate just how comfortable you feel with your own body. If you’re the kind of person who avoids looking at themselves in the mirror and prefers to turn off the lights for bedroom action, then you’re definitely not kink. On the other hand, if nakedness is attractive to you, then you’re kink.
Second question: are you in favor of oral pleasure? Once again, if you cannot overcome the hygienic shortcomings of intercourse performed with your mouth, then you tend to be vanilla. Otherwise, if you’re more than willing to fulfill oral duties, you’re closer to kink.
Third question: are you able to control yourself (especially if you’re male)? Kink requires long-lasting abilities. So, if your typical bedroom endeavor lasts a couple of minutes —or less—, that’s a clear indication of vanilla. Through the lens of a kink attitude, no performance should be brief.
Fourth question: are you willing to try other positions besides missionary? Kink is the realm of creativity. Therefore, if you’re gonna stick to the same technique your great grandparents used over a century ago, you’re more vanilla than an ice cream.
In conclusion, body pride, oral variations, self-control, and creativity bring you closer to a kink exercise of sexuality. On the contrary, body shame, disgust for oral performances, lack of control, and monotony are traits of a vanilla attitude.
We hope you had a good time answering these 4 questions to know how kinky you are.