Letter to My Dad

Letter to My Dad

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My name is Aileen. I’m 21, and I’ve been kinky for a few years now. My dad is a good man. I want to make that clear from the beginning. But there are things he just doesn’t understand. For example, he’s all into traditional gender roles, and he doesn’t understand that a woman can be kinky. And it’s not just a random woman. It’s me, his daughter. I wrote him a letter to express what I felt. And now I want to share it with you. Here is my “Letter to My Dad.”.

“Dear dad,

I write this letter to you because whenever we speak, we end up arguing. I’m tired of that. And I suppose you are too. I hope this letter has a better result.

I’m kinky. Since I’ve seen you misunderstand this concept, I will explain it to you as briefly and as clearly as I can. I’m a person who doesn’t like what everybody else likes. Moreover, the things I like might be considered ugly, perverted, or disgusting by others, including you.

I believe every person has the right to choose whichever lifestyle they consider best for themselves. And I believe that as long as two or more people consent to do something together, all the other people should respect their decision.

I know that you believe that men and women must do certain things. And, also, that there are other things that none of them should do. But that’s not the way the world works today. And just as you and your generation had the right to choose their path, I think my generation and I should be able to choose our own way. After all, whatever consequences good or bad come from them, it is us who will have to endure them.

You know I love you. But, please, don’t ask me to be someone I’m not.”.

This is my letter to my dad. What do you think about it?

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